Spring jpa save does not update

Spring jpa save does not update. @DynamicUpdate is a class-level annotation that can be applied to a JPA entity. According to documentation: Since many to one are (almost) always the owner side of a bidirectional relationship in the JPA spec, the one to many association is annotated by @OneToMany ServiceUser. First time it's working I’m fine, all data inserted into database. To update an entity using Spring Data JPA, you will need to follow these steps: Retrieve the entity object that you want to update. If you want your relationship unidirectional i. JPA and Hibernate provide different methods to persist new and to update existing entities. – Jan 8, 2024 · Let’s add a method in our service to update our customers’ contact data. sanjeev. Below is the code i wrote to create new entity,it is working fine,but if an already exists record ,its creating duplicate. package com. TIMESTAMP) private Date lastTouched; So the timestamp column is ignored when generating SQL inserts. 3. If your spring repository is extending JpaRepository then you can do the following. Both entities contain composite keys. So, if you want to use cascading on Hibernate-proprietary methods, you'll need to use Hibernate-proprietary annotations. Apr 24, 2018 · 0. Aug 23, 2016 · 1 Answer. You need to define your own INSERT method on your JpaRepository and then call it from your code. Most applications using Spring Data JPA benefit the most from activating JDBC batching for them. I fixed the issue by changing the code to. public interface MyRepository extends JpaRepository<MyRecord, Integer> {. Thanks, Jagan 1 Answer. ddl-auto=update and I had Liquibase changeSets which added complexity to the DB landscape, so sometimes my save() call to JPA repository could save sometimes it couldn't and errored out with all kinds of nasty messages. Hence JPA is not updating the version value. jpa. <S extends T> S save(S entity); } Then, create your implementation ( the suffix Impl is important at the name of the class Mar 3, 2019 · 2. When you are saving User user all the data of the current user object will update. properties file by setting the property spring. Feb 10, 2015 · 33. for example we have user entity and userRepository as below. existingRecord. 5. return user; Anyway, if the username is already taken, the repository just do an update, because the specified identifier is not null. And before commit operation you are mapping the current state of entity to DTO. In postman you should pass database table primary key id along with PlayerId. First, let’s look at an example of a @Modifying UPDATE query: Jan 8, 2024 · 1. You inevitably load the whole entity before updates, regardless getOne() or findById(). If you would like to verify, you can clone the GitHub repo and run the BootJpaApplication. This is very convenient, but it also cause a problem in some scenarios. 84. public void updateCustomer(long id, String phone) {. This seems to be a very typical use case when adding new items Jun 3, 2019 · However , @PreUpdate and @PrePersist only work for the entities that are managed by persistence context , so your @PreUpdate and @PrePersist will not execute for them. userRepository. If you set the semester value to different value (not the earlier one), then there is a change in the state of the entity and it updates the version column accordingly. public Customer saveCustomer(Customer savedCustomer) {. If it does, update the existing entry. Dec 25, 2017 · Spring Data doesn't update with save () method. To copy the detached entity state, merge should be preferred. Jan 8, 2024 · Furthermore, the default transaction propagation type is REQUIRED, which means that, if not provided, a new transaction is created each time the methods are called. Spring Data JPA supports a variable called entityName. Like if the record is already available Sep 23, 2014 · To put it in a simple way, every entity that pass through the EntityManager with the methods: persist, merge, refresh, delete (maybe I am forgetting some any other here) or in the query (JPQL or find) methods inside a transaction. @PreUpdate if you want to notify before database operation. This is how you specify a sequence that already exists in the DB. Aug 26, 2017 · 1. How can I get Spring-Data/JPA to update the primary key of an entity when it's Oct 12, 2017 · Oct 12, 2017 at 11:14. User Enity Class. begin(); May 6, 2017 · 72. That also explains why the method name isn’t a great fit for a persistence layer based on JPA. You can activate it in your application. 4- in case of remote services use Messaging system which i believe is not the case Mar 23, 2015 · Spring's repositories have a lot of facilities to select something using name conventions, maybe there is something similar for update like updateForStatus(int status); java spring Jun 12, 2020 · I am trying to save/update an entity by using spring data JPA. Here’s how we use it: employeeRepository. setFirstName(firstName); user. Postgres). Second, adding cglig and declaring <aop:aspectj-autoproxy proxy-target-class="true"/> in order for spring to ignore the interface. We use static id's to save the data into database. The id is always 0, even though I know the insert statements were successfully generated and likely sent to the database. In this article, we will focus on update operations. The class movie has a many to many relationship with the class genre. Jun 7, 2022 · What's the problem? We use the static ids for primary keys, We don't want auto-increment value as a primary key. setEnabled(false); this. Internally save () uses isNew () to check, entity has id or not. When parent will save its list of child object will be auto save. This didn't help as well. Repository. save; If no row present, do a normal repository. 2 Answers. I'm currently working on an application for an university project. SAVE_UPDATE is for save (), update (), and saveOrUpdate (), which are 3 Hibernate-proprietary methods. There is a way to specify id and get the row object without querying it. No "insert" or "update" statements are being May 16, 2016 · Spring JPA / Hibernate transaction force insert instead of update. After execution access the H2 console with the below link from Apr 28, 2020 · 1 Answer. Feb 16, 2018 · Sorted by: 4. I initially had this prop set to spring. As you are not flushing explicitly, changes reflect in database only after commit. Insertion/update is not happening upon calling save method. May 4, 2018 · 21 1. M1 according to the repo history, and the save method no longer takes as argument a list. The point here is in physical information duplication (column name) along with not optimized SQL query that will produce some additional UPDATE statements. And you're right, the hibernate docs say it is forbidden to alter the version manually. Jul 1, 2009 · Persist takes an entity instance, adds it to the context and makes that instance managed (i. Jun 8, 2017 · 6. The problem is that you call requestConfig. Setup. The reason why Spring Data JPA Auditing doesn't work during update is that you don't use Spring Data JPA during update. If you want to use data. 3- use Aspects as @selsh mentioned above. getOne (id) and then row. I take your code sample and tried it on a sample Spring Boot project, where I was able to save to H2 DB (In memory) with @Embeddable & @EmbeddedId annotations. As we all know what save () will do save if record is not there and update if its found. save () attaches the entity to the session and at the end of the transaction as long as there were no exceptions it will all be persisted to the database. the transactional interceptor, since it has started the transaction, tries to commit it. Sep 24, 2020 · You pay for this with additional complexity as the entities are usually instrumented in some way and the change detection of course also takes time even if it ends up not detecting any changes. Merge returns the managed instance that the state was merged with. The save () method also can be used to create an entity. *; @Entity(name = "user") @Table(name = "user") public class User {. before an entity is removed – @PreRemove. In any case, it will copy the state Jul 9, 2018 · Just a two cents from me on how to create JPA repository save method with generating random IDs for fields with @GeneratedValue. In other words, the transient keyword has the same effect as the @Transient annotation when saving to a database. Dec 23, 2015 · Changes are persisted in database while committing the transaction in this case. Jan 8, 2024 · JPA specifies seven optional lifecycle events that are called: before persist is called for a new entity – @PrePersist. show_sql feature. I think you should insert and update the entities in a more JPA way which ensure persistence context will manage them: @Service. You manually create and execute a query calling the EntityManager directly. In this tutorial, we’ll discuss the differences between several methods of the Session interface: save, persist, update, merge, saveOrUpdate, refresh, and replicate. GeneratedValue; Sep 17, 2014 · I'm working with Spring and in it spring-data-jpa:1. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how we can batch insert and update entities using Hibernate/JPA. addEmployee (employee) (see below). saveAndFlush( new Employee ( 2L, "Alice" )); Jun 8, 2017 · 6. In this case, Cascade. But the status "GENERATING_REPORT" does not get written to the DB. getVersion ()) to force the JPA provider to synchronize the version entity with the database. The genre is saved through the movie object by using Aug 27, 2014 · Viewed 7k times. No clue if this is a feature solely within Hibernate, or if this is described within the JPA specification as well. It inserts the entityName of the domain type associated with the given repository. override the @PostPersist if you want to notify after update the entity or b. I expected that method saveAndFlush should work but it did not. save(thingy); There are reasons to use triggers, but for most projects, this is not one of them. save () method. class: package com. My data is not persisted upon a employeeManager. Only after the final commit the status is updated to FINSIH. save Sep 26, 2015 · However, there is one thing you should notice:the method used to a save a list of elements has been renamed into <S extends T> List<S> saveAll(Iterable<S> entities) in 2. Above test methods I added comments with explanation what is going on. sql scripts are now run before Hibernate is initialized. When using the repository it works in some hibernate cache state so using save () doesn't actually save the object to the database. Do i need some additional config in the tests? UPDATE 2. 1)If PlayerId is primary key id, then you would have called merge (entity). Using below Config for Spring Data I'm trying to execute DML requests. save() on an existing Question, Spring Data invokes EntityManager. The entity: package com. getTransaction(). @JoinColumn(name = "contact_id", nullable = false) Under your @OneToMany on your parent entity. And @SelectBeforeUpdate (false) doesn't work. Then we proceed and update the fields required and By default Spring Data JPA inspects the identifier property of the given entity. Jun 20, 2014 · Though you are setting the value, which is equal to the previous value, ideally there is no change in the entity state. May 2, 2010 · What about the JPA settings, e. merge () method. I will update my question and add some of my missing settings. In this way when an entity implements Spring's Persistable interface, it overrides two methods: 1. To save your object you need to setup proper jpa configurations and the repository after that it will be save. Sep 28, 2016 · yes, this is how JPA/Hibernate works. * If ID could not be generated, it will be ignored. @PostMapping(value = "/{id}/update") May 6, 2017 · I do not think that every database has auto-update timestamps (e. 2. It persists or merges the given entity by using the underlying JPA EntityManager. save(). Whilst extending the base repository class and adding an insert method would work an more elegant solution appears to be implementing Persistable in the entities. I have 2 entity which are almost similar. Therefore, make the email column unique. Figured out after debugging the issue for few hours. save()-Method. It seems to be fine when i execute the same code to create a user in the development environment and not in tests. 0. MyPersistenceAble; Dec 8, 2018 · Only save not update using data JPA and CrudRepository. The transaction interceptor signals it to the caller by throwing an exception Sep 5, 2018 · RecordId has fields of version and date. Customer myCustomer = repo. Batching allows us to send a group of SQL statements to the database in a single network call. This way, we can optimize the network and memory usage of our application. This aligns the behavior of basic script-based initialization with that of Flyway and Liquibase. If the entity has not yet been persisted, Spring Data JPA saves the entity with a call to the entityManager. save(user); // FIXME - assegnare un ruolo. Here are codes: Product. Now if you get the object from the DB (e. com May 24, 2021 · I am using spring data JPA I am trying to update the entity using the JPARepository method save() to update the entity details. g. Copy. May 15, 2013 · return em. It is just returning select statement. find ();) then that object is already attached and you don't need to call the save () method. Sep 6, 2017 · Yes, the problem is here: DcMotor t = new DcMotor(motorToBeSaved); Basically it's an object you create, Hibernate doesn't know about it so it's considered as a new object. So I've decided to update this field manually everywhere in my code. RELEASE and hibernate-jpa-2. To get it working 100%, simply SELECT required PropertyData from the db (even by id just Jul 25, 2017 · By default, data. In our case, each time we call the save () method, a new transaction is created, whereas when we call saveAll (), only one transaction is created, and it’s reused later by save (). The specification even spells out that you are responsible to maintain both sides of any bidirectional relationships to ensure they are in synch with what you are pushing into the database. After that, all those attributes won't be updated anymore, even if the transaction hasn't been flushed. isNotNull(); And just to mention it, if you don't want to enhance your custom listener in future, the existing Spring Data JPA AuditingEntityListener does exactly what you are doing at the moment (and even more). @YannicKlem persisted entities are saved by Hibernate when a transaction is flushed, so no manual save () is necessary. Attributes with updatable=false can only be set until the first time you have called . As we know that Spring is a popular Java application framework. getCreateDate()). It will persist or merge the given entity using the underlying JPA EntityManager. sql to populate a schema created by Hibernate, set spring. See full list on baeldung. Modified 7 years, 2 months ago. ). properties. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. after persist is called for a new entity – @PostPersist. Best practice is to avoid PlayerId as primary key. Repository is Autowired and in runtime I use saveAndFlush to save entity. Now let’s play with this annotation a little. Edited. 7. Jan 8, 2021 · But it does not by default ensure that the persistence context is updated correctly. If you go this route, you have to specify the allocationSize which needs to be the same value that the DB sequence uses as its "auto increment". Final. Long getId (). You can use the methods persist and save to store a new entity and the methods merge and update to According to Spring Data documentation Spring persists an entity if does not exists or merge, this means update, the existing one: Saving an entity can be performed via the CrudRepository. getNewOptions() before calling questionRepo. I am using Crudrepository save () method. refresh (something) (or I have to call a . With this we also include a database connected with repositories. method () catches the exception and returns. Jan 8, 2024 · The saveAndFlush () Method. save(myCustomer); } We’ll call the findById method and retrieve the matching entity. Feb 27, 2019 · Conclusion. Jun 20, 2022 · Copy. merge(entity) returns a persistent copy of the entity. * saved entity as it was passed as parameter and add generated ID to it. It seems like there are 2 pairs of 2 methods that do the same. Parameters: entity - Returns: the saved entity May 8, 2015 · Saving entity in repository does not work SPRING. If the identifier property is null, then the entity will be assumed as new, otherwise as not new. Jul 9, 2018 · Just a two cents from me on how to create JPA repository save method with generating random IDs for fields with @GeneratedValue. @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType. public boolean isNew(T entity) {. Save the entity back to the database by calling the save() method of the JpaRepository Jul 25, 2019 · 2- use entity Listener and a. 5 Modifying persistent objects. Unlike save (), the saveAndFlush () method flushes the data immediately during the execution. My English could be better. It marks it in the hibernate as object that needs to be saved. persistence. To get it working 100%, simply SELECT required PropertyData from the db (even by id just Jan 15, 2016 · In order to properly override the save method, you have to create a interface with the proper signature of the original method declared on CrudRepository, including the generics. Saving an entity can be performed via the CrudRepository. Sep 14, 2012 · However, whenever I do a save() to an entity, Hibernate does not update the primary key (which is auto-generated) like basic Hibernate used to. @RequestMapping("/api") @Transactional. IDENTITY) Mar 6, 2016 · User user = new User(username, password); user. @Id. save ) and then cancelTransaction updates the database (but not the entity in the persistence context!). getId ()) method to have the complete persisted entity): @RestController. domain; import com. I am useing Spring Data Jpa, when I call jpaRepo. findById(id); // modify properties. If you use Detached entity, sets it id to something from the db, this will result can result in INSERT not UPDATE. core. save(existingRecord); But data is not getting updated in the database. before the update operation – @PreUpdate. If you do a row = repo. To persist an entity, you should use the JPA persist method. But i want to restric the Update operation. Aug 6, 2018 · UPDATE: It seems the problem only happens in tests. sequenceName is the name of the sequence in the DB. e. However, the @Transient annotation does not affect Jan 25, 2022 · 1. The entityName is resolved as follows: If the domain type has set the name property on the @Entity annotation, it is used. If you want to use Data JPA features, then use Data JPA first: Issue issue = issueRepository. Nov 4, 2018 · 0. hibernate. getVersion()); recordRepository. Usage: @GeneratedValue(generator="my_seq") Jun 1, 2018 · However, when you call questionRepo. batch_size. @Table(name="clients") public class Clients implements Serializable {. refresh (t. I'm trying to make a Spring Data JPA project work. public interface MyCustomRepository<T> {. Jun 20, 2022 · We'll use the email to uniquely identify a customer. findById(id); myCustomer. globally quoted identifiers. Otherwise, create a new one and insert it into the database. This is by design to ensure that L2C is updated properly. – nurettin. I'm using PostgreSQL. entity; import javax. setVersion(recordData. You can do this using the findById() method of the JpaRepository interface. If PlayerId is present it will update else it will create new record. The CrudRepository interface contains the save () method that is used to update an entity. Dec 28, 2014 · But when you use the JpaRepository interface and call the save method from the Service class, you see that internally Spring Data JPA check if the entity is new or not. domain; import javax. On the upside though the only trigger updates if needed. Also, remember that PropertyData needs to be Managed (so in current persistance context, and not detached) in order for it to work. Solution 1. . The repositories are build the following way. Following program describe how bidirectional relation work in hibernate. defer-datasource-initialization to tr May 23, 2012 · So, I tried two different approaches, the first adding the method declaration to the interface - still not working. 2)If PlayrerId is not primary key id. 0. You need to first find that entity in the database, update it and then save. save () for update, there are many select statement, I don't mind if these entites are already changed in database, just update them. version. Use the returned instance for further operations as the save operation might have changed the entity instance completely. save have return type the saved entity <S extends T> S save(S entity) Saves a given entity. Mar 17, 2024 · 3. Not sure if this is the best way to go about this. Sometimes, when we insert a new row more than once, we Dec 27, 2018 · I am new to spring data jpa. This is described in 11. after an entity has been deleted – @PostRemove. return getId(entity) == null; } So basically if i save () a new entity (id == null), spring data will always call persist and hence this scenario will always fail. @Basic(optional = false) @Column(name = "LastTouched", insertable = false, updatable = false) @Temporal(TemporalType. java as a Java Application. 2. There was no issue related to crud repository. Jan 17, 2022 · The problem is, that all of those attributes you want to update (calories, instant, name) have set their updatable=false. To update an entity by querying then saving is not efficient these are not the only two choices. save ()-Method. Modify the fields of the entity object as needed. nullable = false IS VITAL if you want hibernate to populate the fk on the child table. Introduction. Save method is working fine on one entity. Spring data JPA offers the following strategies to detect whether an entity is new or not. save () is a dual purposed method for Insert as well as Update. It ensures that Hibernate uses only the modified columns in the SQL statement that it generates for the update of an Jan 3, 2016 · 3 Answers. persist () method. Why doesn't JpaRepository update my entity? As far as I know (and this answer it confirms) entity manager insert new record (when entity is new) and update entity record when is not new. This method belongs to the JpaRepository interface of Spring Data JPA. Code I have written to update the entity works fine in development as expected. If the identifier property is null, then the entity is treated Mar 19, 2024 · 1. Oct 2, 2018 · I upvoted @SydMK 's answer because it was inspiring. From the docs . On Parent side: @Entity. Entity; import javax. Look at the sample below: entityManager. My database is a MySQL. You can choose between JPA’s persist and merge and Hibernate’s save and update methods. Jan 14, 2013 · Save object in database if it does not already exist (Hibernate & Spring) I'm working on a Hibernate/Spring application to manage some movies. How to write a method to update if exists ,i usually get list of records from client. And so if one of your entity has an ID field not null, Spring will make Hibernate do an update (and so a SELECT before). 1-api:1. Oct 8, 2017 · 4. Spring Boot is an effort to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications with minimal effort. There are two mechanisms used by Spring to decide if it must use Insert or Update on an entity: By default, Spring inspects the Id-Property ( @Id) of the entity, to figure out if the entity is new or not. That said, there are good resources here in StackOverflow that will help you find an answer faster if you search for those keywords. If any data is not in update form that means that data is null and for boolean it's false. 1. Jan 8, 2024 · The transient keyword is primarily meant for ignoring fields during Java object serialization, but it also prevents these fields from being persisted when using a JPA framework. It does return something that exists in PersistenceContext or creates a new instance of your entity. merge(entity); } } and if we look at isNew () in AbstractEntityInformation. Otherwise, it calls the entityManager. attr = 42; repo. JDBC batching is deactivated by default. I have a scenario where I have to create an entity if not exists or update based on non primary key name. See Possible Solution 2. Overview. Spring Data’s CrudRepository interface defines the save method. merge() internally. If you call the flush () method of the entity manager it will send the object to the database but it still will not commit! 1 Answer. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the save () , findById () , findAll (), and deleteById () methods of JpaRepository (Spring Data JPA) with Spring Boot. Examples are JDBC and MongoDB. The @Modifying annotation is used to enhance the @Query annotation so that we can execute not only SELECT queries, but also INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and even DDL queries. Jan 8, 2024 · 1. The way I've done it in the past is with jOOQ . Exactly CrudRepository#save method. But Hibernate refuses to do it because the transaction is marked as rollbackOnly, so Hibernate throws an exception. Using the @Modifying Annotation. Link to Spring Data documentation. Sorted by: 1. can navigate from Contact to Phone's only, you need to add. setLastName(lastName); user. Both of these classes have generated id's using the GeneratedValue annotation. JPA only has persist () and merge (). findOne (something. Actually after upload method another service was updating the entity with null bill path at the same time so I was seeing the null column always. Its usage is select x from # {#entityName} x. Implementations that do not actively manage entities. In summary, the main difference between "save" and "save and flush" in Spring Data is that the latter immediately writes the pending changes to the database, while the former waits until Aug 14, 2014 · CrudRepostiroy. In my case, it was something very similar. Add a comment. Save method not working on another entity. Jan 26, 2015 · Unfortunately, Spring Data JPA does not expose this method using its JpaRepository interface. Sep 6, 2022 · Update entity using CrudRepository save () method. EntityManager. Aug 4, 2017 · To workaround this, I have to inject/declare the EntityManager in the REST controller, and call the method EntityManager. This isn’t an introduction to Hibernate, and we should already know the basics of configuration, object-relational mapping, and working with entity instances. So kindly check or post your source code in order to review it and find what is wrong (if the issue is not in your data). Spring Data JPA provides save () method to update the entity. @PrePersist if you want to notify before update or c. . The save and saveOrUpdate are just aliases to update and you should not probably use them at all. I also tried to use the entity manager like this: @Autowired lateinit var entityManager: TestEntityManager Then in the Feb 8, 2023 · Spring Data JPA: insert or update. save(entity); assertThat(entity. Jan 18, 2014 · This can be useful in cases where you need to ensure that the data is immediately persisted to the database, rather than waiting for the transaction to commit. phone = phone; repo. jdbc. JPA isn't helping you, it is a tool for serializing the data to a database - it is still up to you to manage your java objects. Feb 11, 2022 · There is no way to do just an INSERT without UPDATE in JPA out-of-the-box. So fetch the data from the database using id then set the new value in fetch user then save. When we use Spring Data JPA with Hibernate, we can use the additional features of Hibernate as well. Column; import javax. save (. save (row); and watch the logs, you will see only the update query. Spring Data’s save(S entity) method. For this project, my team and I are using a Vaadin/Spring/Maven configuration. The only reason why JPA does an update instead of insert is that the Primary Key already exists in your persistence layer or your table. In your case, the entity is already loaded into the persistence context (by calling paymentTransactionRepository. setLastTouched(new Date()); HibernateUtil. I'm using the below code to do that. ObjectEntity objectEntity = objectRepository. However executing Spring's CrudRepository#save method I'm getting next: ONLY Selects are logged by hibernate. class) @JsonIgnoreProperties({"handler", "hibernateLazyInitializer"}) public abstract class Aug 27, 2020 · This is not about Spring Boot at all. In a integration test, when I save an entity, the entityRepository. Saving an entity can be performed with the CrudRepository. getRecordId(). save() method does not return a update version of it (with the auto-incremented id populated for example), thus I can see it is in the database. heguanyuan. saveAndFlush (translation) and then versionRepository. During the update operation of the Record, I have to update field of RecordId i. Spring data JPA saves a new entity and updates an old entity. Jun 17, 2017 · entity = derivedEntityRepository. ALTER TABLE customer ADD UNIQUE (email); Refactor save () method logic so that it checks if an entry exists in the database. I'm trying to save entity in repository but it does not work at all. It’s a super-interface of the JpaRepository, that is part of the Spring Data parent project and not specific to JPA. @MappedSuperclass. public class FileManagementService{. @EntityListeners(AuditingEntityListener. If this method was available, you could have done t = translationRepository. Oct 12, 2019 · One way of achieving the same in Spring-data that I can think of is: Write a custom save operation in the service layer that; Does a get for the three-column and if a row is present; Set the same id in current object and do a repository. This will work with every database: thingy. @DynamicUpdate is one such feature. Jul 1, 2021 · This operation you are attempting to do is colloquially called UPSERT, and happens to be a bit of challenge to achieve purely with JPA and Hibernate. future updates to the entity will be tracked). I will take a look at the Lock annotation again, maybe I'll find a hint there what to do to update the version properly. The update method is useful for batch processing tasks only. I tried to set the isolation level to "READ_UNCOMMITTED", but this also does not have an effect. Boolean isNew () and 2. * Mocks {@link JpaRepository#save(Object)} method to return the. If you are reading this article, you must have noticed that by default, the save () method from JpaRepository interface saves the DB entity regardless whether the row exists or not. The Hibernate Debug Logs however suggest, that a Update is triggered: Oct 16, 2015 · Spring Data JPA save method does not update database entity when given id is already present. I have a situation in my application that i want to save new records. Surely, if you do not use cache, updating with a native query or Spring Data @Modifying is the way to go, but add you some extra job. howtodoinjava. uv yt gf um iq zy ll lc dw uh