Jq get value from json string

Jq get value from json string. jq and bash : get a specific value in json when other key value Jan 6, 2024 · To get a key value, we use '. I want to get all the values at once (200 values) But when I do: jq . lifecycle_environment ] | join(" ")' filename To get this: The article also covers limitations for jq in ZIS. answered Sep 14, 2021 at 6:47. 4 and jq 1. jq 'select([. )[] Sep 23, 2016 · But, as pointed out, you shouldn't use grep for this, but a tool that can parse JSON – for example jq: $ jq '. field' where field is the key or property. Jun 23, 2018 · I want to get output for login, lastLoginTime and lastLoginFrom in tabulator delimited format: 050111 1529730115000 192. 1. 2. id , . It then pulls out the name and type values from the remaining entries. I would want to get values of a key based on condition on string value of another key. 7. jq. ["@def-ghi"]'. Accessing Data Values. abc|. This is what . This form, however, must be pipelined, so you'd have to write: jq '. You need to flatten the array returned by episodes[1:] by adding another set of brackets. 4 or jq 1. how to get some key and value from json using jq. [] | select(. 6. xlarge" | jq '. 0. $ jq -r '. parameters | . []' input. I could easily do this using sed -i however it would also replace other parts of the file I don't want it to, unless I'm missing something. Branch' test. , "if the line does not match /pattern match/, print it". JsonPath; String firstName = JsonPath. Nov 21, 2017 · Using jq to get key and value from JSON. manually or using some text-wrangling tools. trunk is boolean, you could simplify the select parameter to . Jul 14, 2016 · If you really cannot use a proper JSON parser such as jq [1], try an awk-based solution: Bash 4. json Using jq to get key and value from JSON. getJSON (), to chain multiple . This operator iterates over each item in a list and prints it. id' menu. Jun 29, 2022 · With your shown samples only, please try following jq code. [][1]' < yourjsonfile Just to provide another approach. " Nov 20, 2019 · every JSON compliant utility would output a whole JSON following JSON syntax, whereas you wanted a non-JSON output. openStream Jul 8, 2017 · In order to handle all values properly, you need to use the declare command to incorporate the output of jq into an array assignment. name) | unique. How to Parse JSON Files on the Linux Command Line with jq. It then splits that value on spaces and extracts the second generated word. Quote your jq filter and put the file name at the end, like so: jq -r '. (The . Would it be acceptable to change the value of the content field so that it is either valid JSON or amenable to conversion to JSON using fromjson? – Jan 3, 2018 · How to use jq to get a value of decimal/number type from a JSON response which is not surrounded by " " 63 How to convert a string to an integer in a JSON file using jq? another common temp filename is adding a tilde like test. Using tostream function here to get the required values from requirement. There are a lot of builtin filters for extracting a particular field of an object, or converting a number to a string, or various other standard tasks. confirmBooking( '. Instances []. You will use the former. json 4dCYd4W9i6gHQHvd jq can Aug 20, 2017 · Note: This uses jq's string interpolation and iterates over all entries in the reports array, picking out the relevant information. response [2]. Dec 30, 2018 · I have an array "operations" from which I would like to return all the elements that contain a matching string like "w51". The file looks like this: Nov 10, 2021 · 1. SLACK_API_KEY'. 5 , jq 1. [1] != null then . Oct 2, 2021 · As pointed out by @R2D2, if you wish to use jq, one option would be to modify the value of testValue so that it is valid JSON, e. *?[^\\]"'; But that is giving "id":"ws-4c906698-03a2-49c3-8b3e-dea829c7fdbe" as output. The community. Statement[0] . json | jq . jq - print "-" for null values. json Oct 26, 2019 · Very recent versions of jq have a --rawfile f datafile option that you can use to load a file into a string instead of the command substitution; you could also swap things around with -R --slurp --slurpfile t template. Sorted by: 6. Converting JSON response to key value pair using jq. issues[] | [ . Example: jq 'map ( select (. jar. Update: Handling . I used the following command and find out there is only one entry whose geo is null: % cat all. Mar 29, 2018 · To get the raw output without an array use |. response[1]. Apr 14, 2016 · Here's another take on the question. The above works when both first and last are string. argv [1]) [process. Nov 26, 2019 · jq is your friend (for this and many other json tricks):. For example, to get the first name in this JSON string, we do this: Aug 5, 2017 · 67. To select a single element or a data subset from a complex data structure in JSON format (for example, Ansible facts), use the community. json | jq '. Follow. , which returns the input data unchanged but pretty printed. Get values for a given key and its parent with jq. Assuming the input is valid JSON, the following jq program will yield an array of the distinct names: map(. fail () callbacks on a single request, and even to assign these callbacks after the request may have completed. actions [0]. – Anna Semjén Jun 5, 2019 at 9:37 Oct 31, 2021 · Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. how to use jq to get value from key value dictionary in JSON. You must manually Aug 3, 2016 · I have been trying to use jq to parse a json file returned from the aws cli, but I'm stuck with the problem of referencing an array using the index number. To get rid of the double quotes, you can use the -r ("raw output") option: $ jq -r '. menu. I am using jq '. jayway. jq -c '[. json than cat old. author] to coerce it into being a single-item array so inside() will work on it. read(rawJsonString, "$. I just need the id value Jun 3, 2020 · The data is saved in to the characters. I am familiar with jq but jmespath is new to me. Branch so that would make your command look like this: jq -r '. json> | sed 's/,//g' | sed 's/<ur_value>//p'. parse (process. The values seem to be all zero's so jq '. jq -r '. actions[0]. Then you can select the first match by simply using | first. Christmas) how can I get it's associated id (i. Jan 27, 2015 · You can use addition to concatenate strings. json ) > test. Your filter by itself seems okay. p is run; this is equivalent to /pattern match/! p as per above; i. properties. 5 also allows jQuery's Ajax methods, including $. json datafile and t["test. Before using a jq expression in the expr parameter, escape any JSON special characters with a leading backslash (\). – Charles Duffy. nextToken, . HeaderAuthentication. name=="something")' gives me the object I want. And if you need the output to be an array, then you should use map. content = . [1]' file. 3. Headers[] | select(. But due to some constraints, I need to achieve this just by using grep and string matching. might be wanted, but might not Nov 15, 2021 · This now gives us: Let's take it a step further and get rid of the escaped characters (for brevity's sake, I'm going to only show the jq pieces from here on): | jq '. 1-snapshot etc. May 16, 2017 · OK, so I managed to get what I was after. 230 050112 - - with below jq filter I get on output no "null" values which I could replace with "-" Jan 31, 2017 · I am trying to use jq to figure out which index number in the list is based on a select query. Your json key address should be . json Jun 20, 2019 · Trying to select objects from JSON array where value contains a string and value is not null. Dec 24, 2009 · This is the bash script function: # jsonv get the json object value for a specific attribute # first parameter is the json document # second parameter is the attribute which value should be returned get_json_attribute_value () { node -pe 'JSON. I still have a little tidying up to do as some of the input fields aren't completely uniform, but it's close enough to move forward with: aws ec2 describe-reserved-instances-offerings --availability-zone "ap-southeast-2a" --instance-type "c4. JSON is a lightweight format that is nearly ubiquitous for data-exchange. [0:-1] ' test. I tried this so far: grep -Po '"id":. Jun 22, 2017 · IRC user gnomon answered this on the jq channel as follows:. I tried to store to root node in a variable with as, but it keeps unchanged. How to extract value from json contained in a variable using jq in bash. x: IFS=$'' read -d '' -ra values < <(awk -F\" 'NF>=3 {print $4}' myfile. How to Install jq. It's a small difference with jq, but with commands that benefit from being able to use seek() and tell() to read from different parts of a file, skip to the end, parallelize operations between threads, measure length in constant time, or do any of the other things one can do with a real file handle but can't do with a FIFO, the difference in Nov 3, 2016 · jq -r '. That's because both stages and actions are arrays with both only a single item in them. Dec 1, 2022 · You can use the csv or tsv features of jq - lots of great examples in the man page! man jq Try this: jq -r '. parameters | [ . e. But I want it's index. json Example output: $ jq -r '. String s = "YOUR_URL_HERE"; URL url = new URL(s); Scanner scan = new Scanner(url. name] | @csv' sample. 9. Sep 15, 2017 · You still need to get to that point; you haven't done the jq equivalent of cd or anything. always (), and . Learn more about Teams jq can transform JSON in various ways, by selecting, iterating, reducing and otherwise mangling JSON documents. value with the field . 0-snapshot" Note that the first one has sapi and the other one has api. 3, jq 1. val(); // call the function. Feb 1, 2023 · Step 1 — Executing Your First jq Command. Q&A for work. Now this is parseable too! Let's take only the value: | jq '. g. json | jq -r '. location' Output will be: NewYork To get output which you required so: "location":"NewYork" You can use: May 19, 2013 · How to get value from json string. JSON and jq. SecretString | fromjson | . Thanks, works great! Sep 7, 2021 · 1 Answer. detail. Improve this answer. You’ll begin by generating the sample file. A fixed command line could look like: Mar 29, 2023 · I'm new to jq and trying to extract key and value from selected fields. 168. []|f]. users[] | . Oct 1, 2018 · The function with_entries converts each object in the list of objects to Key/Value-pair, thus we can access . I need to do this because I want to export a text file describing the security groups in a specific format, including all the inbound and outbound rules. 171). This selects the array element in the topping array that has an id equal to the string 5006, and extracts value of the type key from that. characters. So the complete command prints all the lines from the first occurrence of the pattern to Jun 4, 2023 · I am new to jq and running into a bit of an issue trying to get a value from the json response. stages[0]. jq is a command-line tool for parsing JSON. For example, lets say I have this json object: Jul 7, 2023 · mlr --ijson --opprint --barred cat. operations[]' < file to retrieve the elements. ) To get the keys in the order they appear in the original JSON use: jq 'keys_unsorted' file. key, . 0", "inventory-list-api-1. jq --raw-output 'keys | . jq have something called index(), but it seams to support only strings? Using something like i3-msg -t get_workspaces | jq '. For example, if your jq expression (the one producing a stream of strings) is E, then you could modify it to: [E] | unique | . Separate the items with a comma, and enclose the whole list in quotes. If . I've got as far as being able to check for presence of the name in one of the array's objects, but I can't work out how to filter it down Aug 18, 2017 · I just want to get value for "id" key and store it in some variable. For this characteristic, it can be used to format data in a more readable way: $ jq . This will always return a string. How to Make JSON Readable. json "4dCYd4W9i6gHQHvd" This is just a simple filter for the id key in the data object. stages [0]. [] | jq . 66. key or . There is some overlap between the feature set of jq and that of mlr. json file. json. You don't need -D nor -X passed to curl. last'. 12. If you want to strip the quotes, just pipe the output from this command to tr -d '"'. Most of the popular API and data services use the JSON data format, so we'll learn how it's used to serialize interesting information, and how to use the jq to parse it at the command-line. Example Data Set: sample-output. []' foo. @hd1, that's only true if there aren't literal quotes. type4. jq can take input from either a file or a pipe. [_] form can also be used for arrays, but of course _ would have to be an integer. test. json, keeping the file in the same directory. content' | jq '. SecretString | fromjson'. There are several options for printing values of properties. 28. To get a root property value. topping[] | select(. I know I can get all names by. json 5 days ago · Selecting JSON data: JSON queries. I succesfully tried using jq. [] to unwrap it. Feb 9, 2023 · type1. jsonpath. 201110131738QP27N 201803271459ICV69 2018032715008ZM2G 201803281536PSKR4 or more simply written as just jq --raw-output 'keys[]' Oct 31, 2015 · for anyone looking at this in the future, using json_simple-1. I was wondering how to conditionally print something in that. If you are extracting different datatypes (number and string), then we need to convert to equivalent types. In your case it should be: $ jq -r '. project' output. May 10, 2021 · Add a comment. number = "4321" | . author] | inside(["Larry", "Garry", "Jerry"]))' The intuition behind this approach, as stated by the user was: "Literally your idea, only wrapping . . 6. cat json | jq . trunk. To get your exact result, you would also need jq -r / --raw-output to omit the JSON string quotation marks: jq -r '. Mar 29, 2018 · I have a json object with one of field having values for example "countries-sapi-1. data. So I simply made the results into an array, and joined them with a space, like this: jq -r '. import com. 14. In this step, you will set up your sample input file and test the setup by running a jq command to generate an output of the sample file’s data. I presume you still need that -H option. geo != null' | sort | uniq -c 1 false 6891 true Aug 24, 2021 · But then I don't know how to go back to the parent node and change Jane's one, nor retrieve the whole json. InstanceId' file. Both of them are in same hierarchy of a given dictionary. Say I am interested in a field call geo. type / " " | . Jul 15, 2022 · To know more about jq follow the link. Or if you want/need to pipe in the contents of the file, output it using cat for instance (the file name alone won't dump its content): cat file. As a first thing, we will use the most simple filter, . [KEY] where KEY is a JSON string, including the outer quotation marks. id' file. Apr 7, 2022 · <<< is known as here-string. json~, or prepending a dot and something more, like . jobName note that the json-line inserted above is incorrect - or incomplete you need to close the brackets. There are potentially two other options you might wish to consider: If you can't install a json parser then assuming your strings cannot contain double quotes or newlines, every record is on a single line and that every tag and value are double-quote-enclosed strings as in your posted sample input, this will work using any awk in any shell on every UNIX box: Aug 25, 2019 · FYI, better to use <old. The first variant can be used with jq 1. Until now, all the samples I have found dealt with key value pairs. Condition. Desired output: { "configurable": false, "property_reference": ". jq Manual (development version) For released versions, see jq 1. [] | tostream | if . In other words, map (f) is equivalent to [. Getting data from a json string. If the request is already complete, the callback is fired immediately. I guess your best bet is to run it through sed where you drop the quotes from the label (but that approach is prone to false-positives): Mar 18, 2023 · Alternatively, we can also pass the Bash variables as positional arguments to the jq program using the –args option: $ jq [options] filter [files ] --args ${bash_var1} ${bash_var2} We must note that jq will treat all the arguments after –args as positional arguments, so we must place it after the filename. ReservedInstancesOfferings jq . Apr 29, 2020 · Using JQ I would like to take a complex JSON object that includes JSON embedded as strings and then turn it all into a valid string I can easily embed in other JSON objects. type2. Feb 17, 2022 · I think this is fairly easy to achieve for this inner list. value' menu. 0 or 1. configuration. These are the keys (+ values) that need to be in the new output: title; profileId; tvdbId; titleSlug; images (and all its contents and children) seasons (and all its contents and children) For one key, the value needs to be changed. Using jq to get key and value from JSON. Apr 23, 2017 · Using jQuery, this can easily be accomplished with: // get the value of the client_id element (assuming it's an input element) var client_id = $( '#bookingform input[name="client_id"]' ). trunk == true) | . If the input has superfluous commas as in the sample shown, you might wish to consider using a preprocessor, such as any-json or hjson. See the manual for more details. For instance, running the command jq 'map (. json >updated_contacts. 1. The simplest way is to wrap the whole expression in an array constructor: map unpacks the input array, applies the filter to every element, and creates a new array. argv [2]]' "$1" "$2" } – Youness. (Consider what happens if the value of EMAILID contains a ) . [1] else empty end]' Input_file Nov 5, 2021 · jq '. number = "4321"' < contacts. [] or just: [E] | unique[] Avoiding a sort. this way, the move operation doesn't potentially cross filesystems which would result in a non-atomic copy&delete operation. I have come close with this: echo $(jq '. Oct 19, 2017 · Make sure your jq expression produces an array. Teams. Suppose you want to find all occurrences of the key "hostname" for which the value is "Antoniusweg12", no matter where the key/value combination occurs. In general, it makes little sense to use data as the value of keys in JSON, which is why I opted for working with the original file. Dec 22, 2017 · Using jq, given a name value (e. books being an array of objects: Given This is the only 100%-safe answer; it lets jq properly create the filter using the value, rather than using bash to create a string that jq interprets as a filter. value respectively, we're updating (overwriting) every KV-item . first_name"); "$" specifies the root of the raw json string and then you just specify the path to the field you want. users[] | [. plus: mktemp sets its own permissions. A jq program is a "filter": it takes an input, and produces an output. txt"]. RM-111 6. For example, use \" to escape double quotes. Jan 29, 2020 · I'm attempting to pull some specific data from the "id" field but jq matches are being case sensitive and creating an issue with the searches (not matching, basically, so returning 0 results). jq - multiple if. summary ] | @tsv' file. Aug 8, 2015 · If one wants to avoid having to specify the mapping on the command line, then the following two variants may be of interest. Using jq, how can i get countries-sapi or inventory-list-api I mean whatever is there before the version. Oct 24, 2019 · If you want to show a single value see below command: sed 's/["{}\]//g' <your_file. How to Use Pipes with Filters. Strings are added by being joined into a larger string. text file. id' infile. unique involves a sort, which can easily be avoided if E as above produces a stream of strings: INDEX(E;. You haven’t specified the precise form of output you want, but the following illustrates one approach to the problem: jq '. 6, jq 1. Mar 12, 2016 · I'm using jq to play with json. id == "5006"). Important: The expr parameter requires a valid JSON string value. fields. done (), . response[]. Feb 23, 2020 · 1 Answer. json_query filter. You can print values at root level, values in an array, values in a nested structure, and so on. You could also pipe the output of that jq command to vd -f json ( VisiData) instead of mlr ( Miller) to get an interactive table viewer. json "1","John Wick" "2","Walter White" Or using string interpolation: Apr 1, 2020 · 1 Answer. The jq expression spits out shell code and the shell evaluates it, creating the arr associative array. config_batteri', client_id, "Yes", "No" ); If you want to have an object with all the form values, have a look May 8, 2021 · I want to grab keys and values out of that output and make a new valid json output with those. author as [. The jq utility works by applying filters on a stream of json data. Aug 18, 2021 · The jq expression. May 24, 2021 · 1. [] does for objects: You can also use this on an object, and it will return all the values of the object. json_query filter lets you query a complex JSON structure and iterate over it using a loop structure. Objective: Parse the json from a file or end-point using `jq` and retrieve id-value pair for further process. jq '. 0. Those use jq to extract the information and mlr only to format the table. This extracts all the entries in the top-level array whose name values are not the string null. I want to get the value of the PublicIpAddress { &quot;Reservations&quot;: [ { &quot;Groups& Jul 11, 2017 · I know I can get all the keys using jq 'keys' and also all the values can be fetched using jq 'flatten'. ) Sep 30, 2020 · As a list of tab-separated values: Create an array of the wanted values for each issue [] and pass it to @tsv. general. first + " " + . The output is Dec 21, 2022 · If you don't mind adding a dependency, you can use JsonPath. Feb 14, 2020 · Linux. Working with Arrays. However , the parent key of the dictionary is a variable. Aug 13, 2019 · I am facing an issue with parsing a json using Jmespath based on a string condition. Here's some input with some corner cases to worry about: whitespace, a newline, and a glob character. contacts[0]. By Dave McKay. We'll get you started! Quick Links. price) | add' will take an array of JSON objects as input and return the sum of their "price" fields. jobSummaryList[]. json "file" "File" How to Process Arrays with jq. ip by using update |= operator Aug 19, 2014 · To add on top of aaiobe’s answer, here’s a few things to make it safer / more flexible to use:. May 24, 2018 · Using jq to get key and value from JSON. hostname,. text, . You can use jq to interrogate JSON data on the Linux command line. pipeline. "aws:SourceIp" | . Getting a value from JSON string. It gives an error: Cannot index number with string "text". It works fine, but each time I have to enter the number . If someone's name is "Mack \"The Knife\" Smith", you want it to change to Mack "The Knife" Smith, not Mack The Knife Smith. 5: Sep 14, 2021 · Sorted by: 9. The expression Jul 26, 2020 · The find stuff is to avoid the possibility of just jq -r '' *. But this doesn't give a list with all the mappings I need. contacts[1]. name=="ABC")' | jq -r '. id, . response [3]. Published Feb 14, 2020. JSON . "name" "Jack" "Walt" "Donald" But I can't figure out how to print only certain objects, given the value of a sub key (here: "location" : "Stockholm"). 7, jq 1. the version can be as simple as 1. And since we're on the topic -- you can also use contains ("xyz"), if that's your cup of tee. jq can accept text input as well, but by default, jq reads a stream of JSON entities The Promise interface in jQuery 1. I am using jq and want to get the "name" elements of the objects where 'location' is 'Stockholm'. string. edited Apr 2, 2020 at 21:11. According to authors "jq is like sed for JSON data" . json) This stores all property values in Bash array ${values[@]}, which you can inspect with declare Jul 24, 2018 · The most robust alternative is to use the basic form: . IpAddress. json being too long a command line, since you said you have more than 5000 files. lifecycle_environment' filename I got output like this: childmas01 Dev I got the same results with -c instead of -r, and also with -cr. json produces. Sorted by: 14. Share. – hd1. json) Bash 3. To select the item under the key 1, you'd do this: I need to replace part of a value from a json output. x: readarray -t values < <(awk -F\" 'NF>=3 {print $4}' myfile. As a temporary workaround I'm just doing this: jq '. Jan 18, 2019 · For extracting from json you should use jq if you can. question mark for null safety; support for one level of nested arrays; jsn_ præfix for namespacing the resulting variables to avoid them overwriting your normal variables Nov 4, 2017 · The value of the variable "json_data" that was given in the original question was not valid JSON, so this response still covers both cases (nearly-valid and valid JSON). json "file" Multiple items can be displayed using the same jq command. Mar 4, 2015 · Whenever you are trying to reference a key that is not a valid identifier, you have to quote it. Additional condition: if the field `name` have pattern: “test1, test2, test3testN” then create a CSV file with fields: id,name,value. Jun 14, 2022 · I'm trying to parse this json so that I can extract all dictionaries from the input where the "uri" field does not start with the string "/themes"; { &quot;version&quot;: 0 Retrieving values from json file using jq. { "StackEvents": [ { "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:1234567890 Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge Nov 3, 2014 · I have a Bash script which gets data in JSON, I want to be able to convert the JSON into an accessible structure - array / list / or other model which would be easy to parse the nested data. Dec 14, 2021 · This quotes both the key and value for the shell using @sh, and both the key and value are explicitly converted to a string using tostring (taking care of (stringifies) values that are of an unexpected type). hostname | startswith ("abcd") ) )'. May 12, 2021 at 1:00. I parse a json file with jq: jq . Use jQuery to get value from this JSON string. jq processes arrays using the [] operator. Name == "api-key") picks out the Headers array element that has api-key as its Name value. The return value should be the whole json object with the array missing the 1. It runs jq potentially multiple times, with as many filenames as possible each time (The trailing + instead of ; makes -exec work a lot like xargs), instead of running it once per file, for the sake of efficiency. As a string with the two values separated by a space: Create a double quoted string for each issue [] and use \ () to interpolate the values within the Mar 7, 2019 · The value of the "content" field is a JSON string that looks like the stringified version of a JSON object but cannot be converted to a JSON object using jq's builtin 'fromjson' filter. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 2. text etc. ae oi ak pk xw we hd xy ph sv